Get started with webfont CDN

Apache-2.0 licensed

A webfont library enables dynamic loading and use of custom fonts on websites without requiring users to download and install font files. Examples include Google Fonts and Font Awesome.

  • webfont
  • ui
  • font
  • loader
  • @font-face
  • webfontloader

Stable version


How to start using webfont CDN

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="preconnect" href="">
  <link rel="preconnect" href="">
  <script src=""></script>
    @import url('');
  <title>Get started with webfont CDN -</title>
  <div id="custom-font-container">
    This text will be displayed in the custom font.
      google: {
        families: ['Roboto'] // Ensure Google Fonts are loaded before the custom font
      custom: {
        families: ['My Custom Font'], // Replace 'My Custom Font' with the name of your custom font family
        src: '<your-font-file-name>.woff2' // Replace <your-font-file-name>.woff2 with the name of your font file
      active: function() {
        document.getElementById('custom-font-container').style.fontFamily = 'My Custom Font, sans-serif';

All versions