Get started with tsparticles-plugin-canvas-mask CDN

MIT licensed

Three.js plugin: tsparticles-canvas-mask masks particle emissions with custom canvas shapes.

  • tsparticles
  • particles.js
  • particlesjs
  • particles
  • particle
  • canvas
  • jsparticles
  • xparticles
  • particles-js
  • particles-bg
  • particles-bg-vue
  • particles-ts
  • particles.ts
  • react-particles-js
  • react-particles.js
  • react-particles
  • react
  • reactjs
  • vue-particles
  • ngx-particles
  • angular-particles
  • particleground
  • vue
  • vuejs
  • preact
  • preactjs
  • jquery
  • angularjs
  • angular
  • typescript
  • javascript
  • animation
  • web
  • html5
  • web-design
  • webdesign
  • css
  • html
  • css3
  • animated
  • background
  • confetti
  • fireworks
  • fireworks-js
  • confetti-js
  • confettijs
  • fireworksjs
  • canvas-confetti

Stable version


How to start using tsparticles-plugin-canvas-mask CDN

<!DOCTYPE html>
    #tsparticles {
      height: 100vh;
      width: 100%;
  <div id="tsparticles"></div>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
    const particles = new TSParticles('tsparticles', {
      background: {
        color: '#000'
      fpsLimit: 60,
      particles: {
        number: {
          value: 100,
          density: {
            enable: true,
            value_area: 800
        color: {
          value: '#fff'
        shape: {
          type: 'circle'
        size: {
          value: 5,
          random: true,
          anim: {
            enable: false,
            speed: 4,
            size_min: 0.1,
            sync: false
        opacity: {
          value: 0.5,
          random: true,
          anim: {
            enable: false,
            speed: 1,
            opacity_min: 0.1
        line_linked: {
          enable: false,
          distance: 150,
          color: '#fff',
          opacity: 0.4,
          width: 1
      interactivity: {
        detectsOn: 'canvas',
        events: {
          onHover: {
            enable: true,
            mode: 'repulse'
          onClick: {
            enable: true,
            mode: 'push'
          resize: true
        modes: {
          grab: {
            distance: 400,
            line_linked: {
              opacity: 1
          bubble: {
            distance: 400,
            size: 40,
            duration: 2,
            opacity: 8,
            speed: 3
          repulse: {
            distance: 200,
            duration: 0.4
          push: {
            distance: 400,
            duration: 0.4
          remove: {
            enabled: true,
            quantity: 1
      masks: {
        enable: true,
        type: 'circle',
        position: {
          x: '50%',
          y: '50%'
        size: {
          value: 200,
          random: false
        opacity: 0.5,
        color: '#fff'
      custom_properties: {
        mask_size: 200


All versions