Get started with pegjs CDN
MIT licensed
Peg.js is a production-ready, open-source parser generator for JS.
Tags:- parser
- generator
- peg
Stable version
How to start using pegjs CDN
// Include PegJS from the CDN
const peg$ = require('pegjs')(pegjs => pegjs.Parser.fromString(pegjs.system, 'pegjs'));
// Define the grammar
const json = peg$('start', () => {
'{' $('object') '}'
function object() {
return '{' + $('properties') + '}';
function properties() {
return $('property') + (() => {
if (peek(2) === '{') return $('properties') + properties();
function property() {
return $('string') + ': ' + $('value');
function string() {
return '"' + /[^"]+/.exec(expect('string'))[0] + '"';
function value() {
if (/^{/.test(expect('value'))) return object();
if (/[0-9]/.test(expect('value'))) return number();
if (/["{}()]/.test(expect('value'))) return brackets();
return '"' + expect('value') + '"';
function number() {
const number = /-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/.exec(expect('value'))[0];
return Number(number);
function brackets() {
return array();
// Parse the input
const input = '{"name": "John", "age": 30, "hobbies": ["reading", "swimming"]}';
const result = json.parse(input);
// Output the result
console.log(result); // { name: 'John', age: 30, hobbies: [ 'reading', 'swimming' ] }