Get started with js-sha1 CDN

MIT licensed

Js-SHA1 is a library for generating SHA-1 hashes.

  • sha
  • sha1
  • encryption
  • cryptography
  • HMAC

Stable version


How to start using js-sha1 CDN

// Include the library using a script tag
const sha1Script = document.createElement('script');
sha1Script.src = '';

// Wait for the library to load before using it
sha1Script.onload = () => {
  const message = 'Some message to hash';
  const hashedMessage = sha1(message);
  console.log('Hashed message:', hashedMessage);

// Use the sha1 function from the library
const sha1 = (message) => {
  return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(message)).reduce((h, b) => {
    const t = ((h << 5) & 0xffffff80) | (b & 0x0000007f) | ((h >> 2) & 0x0000000f);
    h = (h << 14) | (t >> 18);
    h = ((h << 7) & 0xfffffff0) | (t >> 25);
    return ((t << 3) & 0xfffffff8) | (h >> 21);
  }, 0x67452301);

  // js-sha1 library provides a more optimized sha1 function
  // Use it instead of the above roll-your-own implementation
  // return new jsSHA('bit32', 'text/plain').update(message).getHash('HEX');

All versions