Get started with bitcoinjs-lib CDN

MIT licensed

BitcoinJS-lib is a popular library for working with Bitcoin transactions and blockchain data.

  • bitcoin
  • browser
  • client
  • library

Stable version


How to start using bitcoinjs-lib CDN

// Include the CDN script
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';

// Wait for the library to load
window.onBitcoinjsLoaded = () => {
  // Create a new Bitcoin wallet
  const mnemonic = "treat dwarf stitch apple"; // 12-word mnemonic
  const network = new bitcoin.networks.BitcoinCash();
  const hdNode = bitcoin.HDNode.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, network);
  const receivingAddress = hdNode.getAddressAtPath("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0");

  // Create a new transaction
  const tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network);
  const changeAddress = hdNode.getAddressAtPath("m/44'/0'/0'/0/1");
  const changeAmount = 1000; // Satoshis

  // Add an input with the receiving address and a test amount
  tx.addInput(new bitcoin.TransactionInput({
    prevOut: null,
    script: bitcoin.script.empty(),
    sequence: 0,
    address: receivingAddress.toString(),
    satoshis: 5000 // Test amount in Satoshis

  // Set the output with the change address and the change amount
  tx.addOutput(new bitcoin.output.PayToPubKeyHash({
    address: changeAddress.toString(),
    value: changeAmount

  // Sign the transaction with the private key
  const privateKey = hdNode.derivePath("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0").privateKey;
  tx.sign(0, privateKey);

  // Send the transaction to the Bitcoin Cash network
  const broadcastTransaction = new bitcoin.RPCClient('http://localhost:8332'); // Replace with your RPC endpoint
  broadcastTransaction.sendTransaction(tx.toHex(), (err, txid) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      console.log("Transaction broadcasted with ID: " + txid);

All versions