Get started with backbone.marionette CDN

MIT licensed

Backbone.Marionette: Library for large-scale, modular Backbone.js apps.

  • collections
  • models
  • controllers
  • events

Stable version


How to start using backbone.marionette CDN

// Include Backbone and Backbone.Marionette via CDN
const Backbone = require('');
const Marionette = require('');

// Define a simple model
class MyModel extends Backbone.Model {
  defaults() {
    return { message: 'Hello, Marionette!' };

// Define a simple view
class MyView extends Marionette.View {
  template() {
    return `<p>${this.model.get('message')}</p>`;

// Define a region and a layout
class MyLayout extends Marionette.Layout {
  template() {
    return '<div id="content"></div>';

  regions() {
    return {
      content: '#content'

// Initialize the application
class App extends Marionette.Application {
  constructor() {

    this.addInitializer(() => {
      this.layout = new MyLayout();
      this.addRegion('main', this.layout.get('content'));

      this.showChildView('main', new MyView({ model: new MyModel() }));

new App().start();

All versions

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