Get started with PKI.js CDN

BSD-3-Clause licensed

Library: PKI.js - Lightweight PKI handling in browsers.

  • ES6
  • ES2015
  • WebCrypto
  • Web Cryptography API
  • X.509
  • certificate
  • crl
  • cms
  • encrypted
  • enveloped
  • OCSP
  • timestamp
  • PKCS

Stable version


How to start using PKI.js CDN

// Import PKI.js library
const PKI = await fetch('').then(res => res.arrayBuffer());
const pki = new Uint8Array(PKI.arrayBuffer());

// Load the X.509 certificate from a data URL
const certificateDataUrl = 'data:application/x-pki;base64,<BASE64_ENCODED_CERTIFICATE_DATA>';
const certificate = await fetch(certificateDataUrl)
  .then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
  .then(buf => PKI.parseCertificate(new Uint8Array(buf)));

// Perform certificate validation or verification using PKI.js methods
console.log(certificate.toPEM()); // Print the certificate in PEM format for debugging
console.log(certificate.isSelfSigned); // Check if the certificate is self-signed
console.log(certificate.isExpired); // Check if the certificate has expired
console.log(certificate.getNotBefore()); // Get the certificate's notBefore date
console.log(certificate.getNotAfter()); // Get the certificate's notAfter date

All versions