Get started with MinPubSub CDN

MIT licensed

MinPubSub is a lightweight library for implementing publish-subscribe messaging patterns.

  • publish
  • subscribe
  • pubsub
  • observer

Stable version


How to start using MinPubSub CDN

// Include MinPubSub library from CDN
const MinPubSub = require('');

// Create a new MinPubSub instance
const pubSub = new MinPubSub();

// Define topics
const topicA = 'topicA';
const topicB = 'topicB';

// Publish messages to a topic
pubSub.publish(topicA, 'Message A');
pubSub.publish(topicA, 'Message B');

// Subscribe to a topic and log messages
pubSub.subscribe(topicA, (message) => {
  console.log(`Received message on topic ${topicA}: ${message}`);

// Publish a message to another topic
pubSub.publish(topicB, 'Message C');

// Subscribe to another topic and log messages
pubSub.subscribe(topicB, (message) => {
  console.log(`Received message on topic ${topicB}: ${message}`);

All versions